Farmland Preservation, Office of; transfers Office to Dept. of Forestry.

SB 616 Farmland Preservation, Office of; transfers Office to Dept of Forestry

Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Farmland Preservation, Office of; transfers Office to Dept. of Forestry.

About SB-616

Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Department of Forestry; Office of Farmland Preservation transferred. Transfers from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to the Department of Forestry the Office of Farmland Preservation and its powers and duties and reporting requirements, the Virginia Farm Link Program, the Century Farm Program, and the Virginia Farmland and Forestland Preservation Fund. The bill renames the Office as the Office of Working Lands Preservation. The bill makes technical amendments to effectuate the transfer and requires the Department of Environmental Quality to report to the Department of Forestry by July 1 of each year certain enumerated information about nonpoint source nutrient credits certified in the previous year that involve land use conversion.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 03/08/2024

Enrolled 02/21/2024

Engrossed 02/02/2024

Prefiled 01/10/2024

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