Prisoners; allows localities to charge persons for costs of transporting them to jail.

HB 487 Prisoners; allows localities to charge persons for costs of transporting them to jail

Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Prisoners; allows localities to charge persons for costs of transporting them to jail.

About HB-487

Collection by locality of cost of transporting prisoners. Allows localities to charge persons convicted of violations of state law or ordinance for the costs of transporting them to jail or other holding facility.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/10/2012

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House: Continued To 2013 With Amendment(s) In Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote


House: Subcommittee Recommends Continuing To 2013 By Voice Vote


House: Assigned Courts Sub: Criminal


House: Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/12 12101292d


House: Referred To Committee For Courts Of Justice
